Thursday, April 25, 2024

July 23, 2024:  A note from Kathy Gartelos Siokos, our reunion committee chairperson: 

Subject: 65th Reunion Reminder

I hope this email finds you well.  Our 65th reunion date is drawing near.  We will gather on Saturday, October 5th at Pinnacle Country Club to celebrate and reminisce.  So far, we have 43 classmates who have committed to attend.  We would love to add to that number. 

IT IS NOT TOO LATE!!!  Send your registration and check in as soon as possible. I will have a new address as of August 7, 2024.  Please send any correspondence to 420 Celeste Circle,  Blue Grass, IA  52726.  If you have any questions, please contact me.   

If you cannot attend and would like to order a directory to be mailed to you, you can send a check for $7.00 to Kathy Gartelos Siokos at 420 Celeste Circle. Blue Grass, IA after August 7th.  

To be realistic, this may be our last formal reunion, so do try to take advantage of the opportunity to attend.

Kathy Gartelos Siokos

For any questions by email, contact   Stan Brown <>

Note from Vicki Swanson Wassenhove, RIHS'59 Blogspot website host: 

This Blogspot site of ours is very out-of-date, but I'm at least trying to post a few details about our 65th reunion. However, many of the links on the right side at top are still available. The memorial listing is the only one that I keep current.  See: