Friday, December 7, 2018

We need your help!

Dear Classmate,

As you should already know, we are planning for the 60th Reunion in October 2019.  The planned events will occur in Rock Island on the first weekend of the month (4-6 Oct 2019).  Invitations are being printed with a planned mailing date of mid-January 2019.

If you have a current email address in our data base, you will receive your invitation at that address.  The invitation will be in a "pdf" format suitable for printing.

Classmates without email capability will receive their invitation in the mail. 

We need your assistance in the following:
1. Please provide a current address if you have moved in the last five years.
2. If you have changed your telephone (like you no longer have a home phone and rely upon you cell phone, etc)  please provide your current telephone number.
3. If you change your "active" email address please provide the "new" address

In closing we wish you all the best for this Holiday Season and the best New Year 2019!

For the Class of 1959

Reunion Committee Notification

Dear Committee Members,

I hope this email finds you well and in a festive holiday mood.  

Stan Brown is working hard to update the class mailing list.   He sent a class email to everyone asking for any address changes.  Let's hope he gets a good response.  

Larry Stone will print our mailing labels in early January.  

We are still planning to meet on January 15th at 1:00 at First Lutheran Church in Rock Island.  Please mark you calendars accordingly.  This will be the meeting dedicated to preparing the Reunion invitations for mailing.  We will need lots of help.  Please try to come if at all possible.

I will send out another reminder in early January.  You know how easy it is for us to forget at our age.  Oops, did I say that???

Happy Holidays,
Kathy (Gartelos) Siokos